Weiser Law Firm Aryna Ryabinina

Legal Assistant

Weiser Law Firm Aryna Ryanbinir

Aryna Ryabinina

Ayrna Ryabinina is Mr. Weiser’s legal assistant and office manager at the Weiser Law Firm. Ms. Aryna is originally from the Ukraine and obtained a Masters in Economics from the Odessa National Economic University. Later, she received a Masters in Jurisprudence from the Odesa Mechnikov National University in Ukraine. She graduated from the Tulane University School of Law with a General LLM when she relocated to the United States


Weiser Law Firm Aryna Ryabinina is an attorney in Ukraine. She is preparing to take the Louisiana Bar. Aryna Ryabinina currently works on major litigation matters.


We do free consultations over the phone or in the office. We are happy to discuss your situation to see if our services can give you the help you need.  If you are in need of any of these services, please give us a call to discuss your options. An appointment is recommended for an in office consultation.  We can be reached at 504-358-CARE/ 504-358-2273. One of our attorneys can assist you with the issue that needs to be resolved in a timely and efficient manner. We also offer competitive prices for the services we provide.  We are located at 3801 Canal Street suite 205, New Orleans, Louisiana zip 70119.  At the Weiser Law Firm, we are confident that we can help you get the best result possible.

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Harold Weiser

Weiser Law Firm

3801 Canal St. STE 205

New Orleans, LA 70119

504-358 CARE/ 504-358-2273